Debugging Tools for Windows

Edit | Go to Address

Click Go to Address on the Edit menu to go to an address in the target's virtual address space.

This command is equivalent to pressing CTRL+G.

Dialog Box

When you click Go to Address, the View Code Offset dialog box appears. In this dialog box, enter the address that you want to move to. This address can be an expression (such as a function, symbol, or integer memory address) or any valid address expression. If the address is ambiguous, the dialog box displays a list that contains all of the ambiguous items.

Note  If you put the cursor on a line within the Disassembly window or a Source window and then use the Go to Address command, the address of the line that you have selected will appear in the View Code Offset dialog box. You can use this address or replace it with any address of your choice.

After you click OK, the debugger moves the caret (^) to the beginning of the function or address in the Disassembly window or a Source window.

You can use the Go to Address command in any window that is currently active. If the debugger is in disassembly mode, WinDbg finds the address in the Disassembly window. If the debugger is in source mode, WinDbg finds the address in a Source window. If the address cannot be found in a Source window, WinDbg finds it in the Disassembly window. If the appropriate window is not open, WinDbg opens it.

The Go to Address command only changes the WinDbg display. This command does not affect the execution of the target or any other debugger operations.

Additional Information

For more information about other ways of finding text in debugging information windows, see Moving Through a Window.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD