Debugging Tools for Windows

Moving Through a Window

There are several ways of moving through a debugging information window.

If a scrollbar appears in the window, you can use it to display more of the window.

In addition, some windows support the Find, Go to Address, or Go to Line commands. These commands only change the WinDbg display. They do not affect the execution of the target or any other debugger operations.

Find Command

You can use the Find command in the Debugger Command window or in a Source window.

When one of these windows is active, click Find on the Edit menu or press CTRL+F. The Find dialog box opens.

Enter the text that you want to find in the dialog box, and select Up or Down to determine the direction of your search. The search begins wherever the cursor is in the window. You can put the cursor at any point by using the mouse.

Select the Match whole word only check box if you want to search for a single whole word. (If you select this check box and you enter multiple words, this check box is ignored.) Select the Match case check box to perform a case-sensitive search.

If you close the Find dialog box, you can repeat the previous search in a forward direction by clicking Find Next on the Edit menu or pressing F3. You can repeat the search in a backward direction by pressing SHIFT+F3.

Go to Address Command

The Go to Address command searches for an address in the application that you are debugging. To use this option, click Go to Address on the Edit menu or press CTRL+G.

When the View Code Offset dialog box appears, enter the address that you want to search for. You can enter this address as an expression, such as a function, symbol, or integer memory address. If the address is ambiguous, a list appears with all of the ambiguous items.

After you click OK, the debugger moves the cursor to the beginning of the function or address in the Disassembly window or a Source window.

You can use the Go to Address command regardless of which debugging information window is open. If the debugger is in disassembly mode, the debugger finds the address that you are searching for in the Disassembly window. If the debugger is in source mode, the debugger tries to find the address in a Source window. If the debugger cannot find the address in a Source window, the debugger finds the address in the Disassembly window. If the needed window is not open, the debugger opens it.

Moving to a Specific Line

The Go to Line command searches for a line number in the active Source window. If the active window is not a Source window, you cannot use the Go to Line command.

To activate this option, click Go to Line on the Edit menu or press CTRL+L.

When the Go to Line dialog box appears, enter the line number that you want to find and then click OK. The debugger moves the cursor to that line. If the line number is larger than the last line in the file, the cursor moves to the end of the file.

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