Debugging Tools for Windows

Edit | Breakpoints

Click Breakpoints on the Edit menu to display or control breakpoints.

This command is equivalent to pressing ALT+F9. If a Source window or the Disassembly window is not active, you can also press F9 or click the Insert or remove breakpoint (F9) button () on the toolbar.

However, if a Source window or the Disassembly window is open, the Insert or remove breakpoint (F9) button and the F9 key set a breakpoint on the current line. (If there is already a breakpoint set at the current line, this button or key will remove the breakpoint.)

If a statement or call spans multiple lines, WinDbg sets the breakpoint on the last line of the statement or call. You should insert the caret (^) on or before the statement to set a breakpoint for the whole statement. If the debugger cannot set a breakpoint at the current caret position, it will search in a downward direction for the next allowed position and insert the breakpoint there.

Dialog Box

When you click Breakpoints, the Breakpoints dialog box appears. This dialog box displays all current breakpoint information and is presented in the following columns:

If you select any breakpoint, you can then click the Remove, Disable, or Enable button. The Remove button permanently removes the breakpoint. The Disable button temporarily deactivates the breakpoint. The Enable button re-enables a disabled breakpoint.

The Remove All button permanently removes all breakpoints.

You can also enter commands in the Command box in the following ways:

When you are entering a new breakpoint, you can also do the following:

Additional Information

For more information about how to use breakpoints, other breakpoint commands and methods of controlling breakpoints, and setting breakpoints in user space from a kernel debugger, see Using Breakpoints. For more information about conditional breakpoints, see Setting a Conditional Breakpoint.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD