Debugging Tools for Windows

Enabling NDIS Debug Tracing

NDIS debug tracing is the primary method for debugging NDIS drivers. When you set up NDIS debug tracing, you are actually enabling one or more levels of DbgPrint statements with NDIS. The resulting information is sufficient for debugging most network driver problems.

Debug tracing can be enabled in two ways: from a debugger, or by editing the registry. To enable debug tracing from the debugger, use the two NDIS extensions !ndiskd.dbglevel and !ndiskd.dbgsystems. For each extension you must provide appropriate arguments. To enable debug tracing by editing the registry, you must set the appropriate registry values; for details, see Enabling NDIS Debug Tracing By Setting Registry Values.

The registry method works even if the host computer does not have the checked version of the Ndis.sys symbols installed.

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