Debugging Tools for Windows


The !ndiskd.dbglevel extension sets the NDIS debug level.


!ndiskd.dbglevel [Level


Specifies the amount of debug tracing in NDIS components that are selected within the !ndiskd.dbgsystems extension. If Level is omitted, the current level of debug tracing is displayed.

Only one level can be selected. The following levels are possible:

Value Meaning
INFO All available debug information is traced. This is the highest level of tracing possible.
LOG Log information is traced.
WARN Warnings and errors are traced.
ERR Errors are traced.
FATAL Only fatal errors, which can cause the operating system to crash, are traced. This is the lowest level of tracing possible.


Windows 2000 Ndiskd.dll
Windows XP Ndiskd.dll
Windows Vista and later Ndiskd.dll

Additional Information

For information about NDIS drivers, see the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) documentation.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD