Debugging Tools for Windows


WdbgExts API
An interface exposed by the debugger engine for extensions. It contains a subset of the functionality of the debugger engine API and can only be used by extensions.

WdbgExts extension
An extension based on the prototypes in the wdbgexts.h header file. These extensions use the WdbgExts API.

See also DbgEng extension.

For more information, see Writing WdbgExts Extensions.

An emulation layer in 64-bit Windows that can run 32-bit Windows applications. When debugging a 32-bit application running on 64-bit Windows, it is important to distinguish between the application itself and the WOW64 subsystem.

For more information on 32-bit and 64-bit debugging, see Choosing a 32-bit or 64-bit Debugger Package.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD