Debugging Tools for Windows


The IG_GET_THREAD_OS_INFO Ioctl operation returns information about an operating system thread in the target. When calling Ioctl with IoctlType set to IG_GET_THREAD_OS_INFO, IpvData should contain an instance of the WDBGEXTS_THREAD_OS_INFO structure.

typedef struct _WDBGEXTS_THREAD_OS_INFO {
    ULONG  ThreadId;
    ULONG  ExitStatus;
    ULONG  PriorityClass;
    ULONG  Priority;
    ULONG64  CreateTime;
    ULONG64  ExitTime;
    ULONG64  KernelTime;
    ULONG64  UserTime;
    ULONG64  StartOffset;
    ULONG64  Affinity;


Specifies the operating system thread ID (within the current process) for the thread whose information is being requested.
Receives the exit code of the thread. If the thread is still running or the exit code is not known, ExitStatus will be set to STILL_ACTIVE.
Receives the priority class of the thread. The priority classes are defined by the constants XXX_PRIORITY_CLASS in WinBase.h. See the Platform SDK for more information about thread priority classes. If the priority class is not know, PriorityClass will be set to zero.
Receives the priority of the thread relative to the priority class. Some thread priorities are defined by the constants THREAD_PRIORITY_XXX in WinBase.h. See the Platform SDK for more information about thread priorities. If the priority is not known, Priority will be set to THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL.
Receives the creation time of the thread.
Receives the exit time of the thread. If the thread has not exited, ExitTime is undefined.
Receives the amount of time that the thread has executed in kernel mode.
Receives the amount of time that the thread has executed in user-mode.
Receives the starting address of the thread. If the starting address is not known, StartOffset will be set to zero.
Receives the thread affinity mask for the thread in a symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) computer. See the Platform SDK for more information about the thread affinity mask. If the affinity mask is not known, Affinity is set to zero.

Return Value

If the a thread with the given thread ID is found, the return value is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.


The parameters for the IG_GET_THREAD_OS_INFO Ioctl operation are the members of the WDBGEXTS_THREAD_OS_INFO structure.


Headers: Declared in wdbgexts.h. If you are writing a DbgEng extension that uses this Ioctl operation, include wdbgexts.h before dbgeng.h (see Writing DbgEng Extension Code for details).

See Also


Build machine: CAPEBUILD