Debugging Tools for Windows

Debugging Windows Setup and the OS Loader

If your computer hangs in text-mode at the Starting Windows screen and has not connected into the debugger, it may be possible to modify your setup to allow the debugger to connect during startup.

Before debugging can begin, you must start your target computer in Safe Mode and make the following preparations:

After these steps have been completed, use the following procedure to connect the debugger:

Debugging Windows Setup and the OS Loader
  1. Start up the debugger with the -d command-line option, or use CTRL+K to cause the debugger to break in when the first kernel module is loaded.
  2. When the debugger breaks in, you will see a message that the symbol checksum cannot be verified. Ignore this message! If you want to verify that your symbols are correct, do a stack trace and make sure the first line of the stack trace says osloader!DbgBreakPoint.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD