Debugging Tools for Windows


The VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL bug check has a value of 0x0000010E. This indicates that the video memory manager has encountered a condition that it is unable to recover from.


The following parameters are displayed on the blue screen. Parameter 1 is the only parameter of interest; this identifies the exact violation. Values for Parameter 1 that do not appear in this table must be individually examined.

Parameter 1 Cause of Error
0x1 An attempt was made to rotate a non-rotate range.
0x2 An attempt was made to destroy a non-empty process heap.
0x3 An attempt to unmap from an aperture segment failed.
0x4 A rotation in a must-succeed path failed.
0x5 A deferred command failed.
0x6 An attempt was made to reallocate resources for an allocation that was having its eviction canceled.
0x7 An invalid attempt was made to defer free usage.
0x8 The split direct memory access (DMA) buffer contains an invalid reference.
0x9 An attempt to evict an allocation failed.
0xA An invalid attempt to use a pinned allocation was made.
0xB A driver returned an invalid error code from BuildPagingBuffer.
0xC A resource leak was detected in a segment.
0xD A segment is being used improperly.
0xE An attempt to map an allocation into an aperture segment failed.
0xF A driver returned an invalid error code from AcquireSwizzlingRange.
0x10 A driver returned an invalid error code from ReleaseSwizzlingRange.
0x11 An invalid attempt to use an aperture segment was made.
0x12 A driver overflowed the provided DMA buffer.
0x13 A driver overflowed the provided private data buffer.
0x14 An attempt to purge all segments failed.
0x15 An attempt was made to free a virtual address descriptor (VAD) that was still in the rotated state
0x16 A driver broke the guaranteed DMA buffer model contract.
0x17 An unexpected system command failure occurred.
0x18 An attempt to release a pinned allocation's resource failed.
0x19 A driver failed to patch a DMA buffer.
0x1A The owner of a shared allocation was freed.
0x1B An attempt was made to release an aperture range that is still in use.


This bug check is usually caused by a video driver behaving improperly.

Resolving the Problem

If the problem persists, check Windows Update for an updated video driver.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD