Debugging Tools for Windows


The assembly and disassembly options affect how the debugger engine assembles and disassembles processor instructions for the target.

The options are represented by a bitset with the following bit flags.

Value Description
DEBUG_ASMOPT_VERBOSE When this bit is set, additional information is included in the disassembly.

This is equivalent to the verbose option in the .asm command.

DEBUG_ASMOPT_NO_CODE_BYTES When this bit is set, the raw bytes for an instruction are not included in the disassembly.

This is equivalent to the no_code_bytes option in the .asm command.

DEBUG_ASMOPT_IGNORE_OUTPUT_WIDTH When this bit is set, the debugger ignores the width of the output display when formatting instructions during disassembly.

This is equivalent to the ignore_output_width option in the .asm command.

DEBUG_ASMOPT_SOURCE_LINE_NUMBER When this bit is set, each line of the disassembly output is prefixed with the line number of the source code provided by symbol information.

This is equivalent to the source_line option in the .asm command.


Additionally, the value DEBUG_ASMOPT_DEFAULT represents the default set of assembly and disassembly options. This means that all the options in the preceding table are turned off.


Headers: Defined in DbgEng.h. Include DbgEng.h.

See Also

GetAssemblyOptions, SetAssemblyOptions, AddAssemblyOptions, RemoveAssemblyOptions, Assemble, Disassemble, .asm (Change Disassembly Options)

Build machine: CAPEBUILD