Debugging Tools for Windows


The EXT_TDOP enumeration is used in the Operation member of the EXT_TYPED_DATA structure to specify which suboperation the DEBUG_REQUEST_EXT_TYPED_DATA_ANSI Request operation will perform.

typedef enum _EXT_TDOP {


Value Operation
EXT_TDOP_COPY Makes a copy of a typed data description.
EXT_TDOP_RELEASE Releases a typed data description.
EXT_TDOP_SET_FROM_EXPR Returns the value of an expression.
EXT_TDOP_SET_FROM_U64_EXPR Returns the value of an expression. An optional address can be provided as a parameter to the expression.
EXT_TDOP_GET_FIELD Returns a member of a structure.
EXT_TDOP_EVALUATE Returns the value of an expression. An optional value can be provided as a parameter to the expression.
EXT_TDOP_GET_TYPE_NAME Returns the type name for typed data.
EXT_TDOP_OUTPUT_TYPE_NAME Prints the type name for typed data.
EXT_TDOP_OUTPUT_SIMPLE_VALUE Prints the value of typed data.
EXT_TDOP_OUTPUT_FULL_VALUE Prints the type and value for typed data.
EXT_TDOP_HAS_FIELD Determines whether a structure contains a specified member.
EXT_TDOP_GET_FIELD_OFFSET Returns the offset of a member within a structure.
EXT_TDOP_GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT Returns an element from an array.
EXT_TDOP_GET_DEREFERENCE Dereferences a pointer, returning the value it points to.
EXT_TDOP_GET_TYPE_SIZE Returns the size of the specified typed data.
EXT_TDOP_OUTPUT_TYPE_DEFINITION Prints the definition of the type for the specified typed data.
EXT_TDOP_GET_POINTER_TO Returns a new typed data description that represents a pointer to specified typed data.
EXT_TDOP_SET_FROM_TYPE_ID_AND_U64 Creates a typed data description from a type and memory location.
EXT_TDOP_SET_PTR_FROM_TYPE_ID_AND_U64 Creates a typed data description representing a pointer to a specified memory location with specified type.

The remaining value, EXT_TDOP_COUNT, does not specify an operation. Instead, it represents the number of suboperations defined in the EXT_TDOP enumeration.


Headers: Defined in WbgExts.h. Include WdbgExts.h before including DbgEng.h.

See Also


Build machine: CAPEBUILD