Debugging Tools for Windows


The DEBUG_TYPED_DATA structure describes typed data in the memory of the target.

typedef struct _DEBUG_TYPED_DATA
    ULONG64  ModBase;
    ULONG64  Offset;
    ULONG64  EngineHandle;
    ULONG64  Data;
    ULONG  Size;
    ULONG  Flags;
    ULONG  TypeId;
    ULONG  BaseTypeId;
    ULONG  Tag;
    ULONG  Register;
    ULONG64  Internal[9];


The base address of the module, in the target's virtual address space, that contains the typed data.
The location of the typed data in the target's memory. Offset is a virtual memory address unless there are flags present in Flags that specify that Offset is a physical memory address.
Set to zero.
The data cast to a ULONG64. If Flags does not contain the DEBUG_TYPED_DATA_IS_IN_MEMORY flag, the data is not available and Data is set to zero.
The size, in bytes, of the data.
The flags describing the target's memory in which the data resides. The following bit flags can be set.
Flag Description
DEBUG_TYPED_DATA_IS_IN_MEMORY The data is in the target's memory and is available.
DEBUG_TYPED_DATA_PHYSICAL_DEFAULT Offset is a physical memory address, and the physical memory at Offset uses the default memory caching.
DEBUG_TYPED_DATA_PHYSICAL_CACHED Offset is a physical memory address, and the physical memory at Offset is cached.
DEBUG_TYPED_DATA_PHYSICAL_UNCACHED Offset is a physical memory address, and the physical memory at Offset is uncached.
DEBUG_TYPED_DATA_PHYSICAL_WRITE_COMBINED Offset is a physical memory address, and the physical memory at Offset is write-combined.

The type ID for the data's type.
For generated types, the type ID of the type on which the data's type is based. For example, if the typed data represents a pointer (or an array), BaseTypeId is the type of the object pointed to (or held in the array).

For other types, BaseTypeId is the same as TypeId.

The symbol tag of the typed data. This is a value from the SymTagEnum enumeration. For descriptions of the values, see the DbgHelp API documentation.
The index of the processor's register containing the data, or zero if the data is not contained in a register. (Note that the zero value can represent either that the data is not in a register or that it is in the register whose index is zero.)
Internal debugger engine data.


Instances of this structure should be manipulated using the DEBUG_REQUEST_EXT_TYPED_DATA_ANSI Request operation. In particular, instances should be created and released using this method, and members of this structure should not be changed directly.

There is one exception to the preceding rule: the EXT_TDOP_SET_FROM_TYPE_ID_AND_U64 and EXT_TDOP_SET_PTR_FROM_TYPE_ID_AND_U64 suboperations take a DEBUG_TYPED_DATA instance that is not manipulated using the Request method. These suboperations take a manually created instance with some members manually filled in.


Headers: Defined in WbgExts.h. Include WdbgExts.h before including DbgEng.h. SymTagEnum is defined in DbgHelp.h. Include DbgHelp.h.

See Also


Build machine: CAPEBUILD