Debugging Tools for Windows

File | Symbol File Path

Click Symbol File Path on the File menu to display, set, or append to the symbol path.

This command is equivalent to pressing CTRL+S.

Symbol Search Path Dialog Box

When you click Symbol File Path, the Symbol Search Path dialog box appears. This dialog box displays the current symbol path. If the Symbol path box is blank, there is no current symbol path.

You can enter a new path or edit the old path. If you want to search more than one directory, separate the directory names with semicolons.

Click OK to save changes, or click Cancel to discard changes.

If you select the Reload check box, the debugger will reload all loaded symbols and images after you click OK. The Reload command is equivalent to using the .reload (Reload Module) command.

You can also click Browse to open the Browse For Folder dialog box.

Browse For Folder Dialog Box

In the Browse For Folder dialog box, you can browse through the folders on your computer or your network. You can also click the Make New Folder button to create a new folder. If you right-click a file or folder in this dialog box, a standard Windows shortcut menu appears.

Click OK to append the selected folder to the symbol path and return to the Symbol Search Path dialog box.

Additional Information

For more information and for other ways to change the symbol path, see Symbol Path.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD