Debugging Tools for Windows


The !wmitrace.tfp extension specifies the fields used to create the trace message prefix.


!wmitrace.tfp -s [-r] [-e] [-l] [-p] [-t]
!wmitrace.tfp -c [-r]


Sets the specified prefix fields.
Clear. Deletes all fields from the trace message prefix.
Saves the changes (set or cleared) in the registry.
Adds the event name to the prefix.
Adds the line number to the prefix.
Adds a timestamp to the prefix.
Adds the process ID and thread ID to the prefix.


Windows 2000 Wmitrace.dll
Windows XP and later Wmitrace.dll


Each trace message has a trace message prefix composed of data from the EVENT_TRACE_HEADER structure for the event. The fields used to create this prefix are stored in the TRACE_FORMAT_PREFIX environment variable.

Without additional parameters, !wmitrace.tfp displays the current trace prefix fields, or a message reporting that the prefix fields have not been set. When the prefix fields are not set, the default prefix fields are used.

The default trace message prefix fields are as follows:

[%9!d!]%8!04X!.%3!04X!::%4!s! [%1!s!]

These default fields produce the following prefix:

[CPUNumber]ProcessID.ThreadID::SystemTime [ControlGUIDFriendlyName]

For a list of all optional fields, see "Trace Message Prefix" in the "Tracefmt" topic of the Windows Driver Kit.

Additional Information

For a conceptual overview of event tracing, see the Microsoft Windows SDK. For information about trace message format files, see "Tracepdb" and "Tracelog" in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).

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