Debugging Tools for Windows


The !wdfkd.wdftagtracker extension displays all available tag information (including tag value, line, file, and time) for a specified tag tracker.


!wdfkd.wdftagtracker TagObjectPointer 


A pointer to a tag tracker.


Windows NT 4.0 Unavailable
Windows 2000 and later Wdfkd.dll


To retrieve a pointer to a tag tracker, use the !wdfkd.wdfobject extension on an internal framework object pointer.

To use tag tracking, you must enable both the Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) verifier and handle tracking in the registry. Both of these settings are stored in the driver’s Parameters\Wdf subkey of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services key.

To enable the KMDF verifier, set a nonzero value for VerifierOn.

To enable handle tracking, set the value of TrackHandles to the name of one or more object types, or specify an asterisk (*) to track all object types. For example, the following example specifies the tracking of references to all WDFDEVICE and WDFQUEUE objects.


When you enable handle tracking for an object type, the framework tracks the references that are taken on any object of that type. This setting is useful in finding driver memory leaks that unreleased references cause. TrackHandles works only if the KMDF verifier is enabled.

Additional Information

For more information, see Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Debugging.

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