Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetModuleParameters method returns parameters for modules in the target.

    IN ULONG  Count,
    IN ULONG  Start,


Specifies the number of modules whose parameters are desired.
Specifies an array of locations in the target's virtual address space representing the base address of the modules whose parameters are desired. The size of this array is the value of Count. If Bases is NULL, the Start parameter is used to specify the modules by index.
Specifies the index of the first module whose parameters are desired. If Bases is not NULL, this parameter is ignored.
Receives the parameters. The size of this array is the value of Count. See DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS.

Return Value

The method was successful. However, if Bases is not NULL, it is possible that not all of the modules were found, in which case partial results are returned.
When Bases is NULL, this value indicates that the target contains fewer than the sum of Count and Start modules. Partial results are returned.

This method may also return other error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

GetModuleParameters is available in all versions of IDebugSymbols.


In the cases when partial results are returned, the entries in the array Params corresponding to modules that could not be found have their Base field set to DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET. See DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS.

For more information about modules, see Modules.


Headers: Defined in Dbgeng.h. Include Dbgeng.h.

See Also


Build machine: CAPEBUILD