Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetOffsetInformation method provides general information about an address in a process's data space.

    IN ULONG  Space,
    IN ULONG  Which,
    IN ULONG64  Offset,
    IN ULONG  BufferSize,


Specifies the data space to which the Offset parameter applies. The allowed values depend on the Which parameter.
Specifies which information about the data is being queried. This determines the possible values for Space and the type of the data returned in Buffer. Possible values are:
Returns the source of the target's virtual memory at Offset. This is where the debugger engine reads the memory from. Space must be set to DEBUG_DATA_SPACE_VIRTUAL. A ULONG is returned to Buffer. This ULONG can take the values listed in the following table.
Value Description
DEBUG_VSOURCE_INVALID The Offset offset is not available in the process's virtual address space.

This could mean that the address is invalid, or that the memory is unavailable — for example, a crash-dump file might not contain all of the memory for the process or for the kernel.

DEBUG_VSOURCE_DEBUGGEE The virtual memory at the Offset offset is provided by the target.
DEBUG_VSOURCE_MAPPED_IMAGE The debugger engine reads the target's virtual memory at Offset offset from a local image file. This is often the case in minidump files where the module images are not included in the dump file and are instead loaded by the debugger engine.

Specifies the offset in the target's data space for which the information is returned.
Specifies the buffer to receive the information. The type of the data returned depends on the value of Which. If Buffer is NULL, this information is not returned.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the Buffer buffer.
Receives the size, in bytes, of the information that is returned. If InfoSize is NULL, this information is not returned.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method can also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

GetOffsetInformation is available in IDebugDataSpaces4 and later versions.


Headers: Defined in Dbgeng.h. Include Dbgeng.h.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD