Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetContextStackTrace method returns the frames at the top of the call stack, starting with an arbitrary register context and returning the reconstructed register context for each stack frame.

    IN OPTIONAL PVOID  StartContext,
    IN ULONG  StartContextSize,
    IN ULONG  FramesSize,
    OUT OPTIONAL PVOID  FrameContexts,
    IN ULONG  FrameContextsSize,
    IN ULONG  FrameContextsEntrySize,


Specifies the register context for the top of the stack.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the StartContext register context.
Receives the stack frames. The number of elements this array holds is FrameSize. If Frames is NULL, this information is not returned.
Specifies the number of items in the array Frames.
Receives the reconstructed register context for each frame in the stack. The entries in this array correspond to the entries in the Frames array. The type of the thread context is the CONTEXT structure for the target's effective processor. If FrameContexts is NULL, this information is not returned.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the memory pointed to by FrameContexts. The number of stack frames returned equals the number of contexts returned, and FrameContextsSize must equal FramesSize times FrameContextsEntrySize.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of each frame context in FrameContexts.
Receives the number of frames that were placed in the array Frames and contexts in FrameContexts. If FramesFilled is NULL, this information is not returned.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

GetContextStackTrace is available in IDebugControl4 and later versions.


The stack trace returned to Frames and FrameContexts can be printed using OutputContextStackTrace.

It is common for stack unwinds to restore only a subset of the registers. For example, stack unwinds will not always restore the volatile register state because the volatile registers are scratch registers and code does not need to preserve them. Registers that are not restored on unwind are left as the last value restored, so care should be taken when using the register state that might not be restored by an unwind.


Headers: Defined in Dbgeng.h. Include Dbgeng.h. CONTEXT is defined in Ntddk.h.

See Also

GetStackTrace, k, kb, kd, kp, kP, kv (Display Stack Backtrace), OutputContextStackTrace,

Build machine: CAPEBUILD