Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetSystemErrorControl method returns the control values for handling system errors.

    OUT PULONG OutputLevel,
    OUT PULONG BreakLevel


Receives the level at which system errors are printed to the engine's output. If the level of the system error is less than or equal to OutputLevel, the error is printed to the debugger console.
Receives the level at which system errors break into the debugger. If the level of the system error is less than or equal to BreakLevel, the error breaks into the debugger.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

GetSystemErrorControl is available in all versions of IDebugControl.


The level of a system error can take one of the following three values, listed from lowest to highest: SLE_ERROR, SLE_MINORERROR, and SLE_WARNING. These values are defined in Winuser.h.

When a system error occurs, the engine calls the IDebugEventCallbacks::SystemError method of the event callbacks. If the level is less than or equal to BreakLevel, the error will break into the debugger. If the level is greater than BreakLevel, the engine will proceed with execution in the target as indicated by the IDebugEventCallbacks::SystemError method calls. For more information about how the engine proceeds after an event, see Monitoring Events.


Headers: Defined in Dbgeng.h. Include Dbgeng.h.

See Also

IDebugEventCallbacks::SystemError, SetSystemErrorControl

Build machine: CAPEBUILD