Debugging Tools for Windows


The OutputDisassemblyLines method disassembles several processor instructions and sends the resulting assembly instructions to the output callbacks.

    IN ULONG  OutputControl,
    IN ULONG  PreviousLines,
    IN ULONG  TotalLines,
    IN ULONG64  Offset,
    IN ULONG  Flags,
    OUT OPTIONAL PULONG64  StartOffset,
    OUT OPTIONAL PULONG64  LineOffsets


Specifies the output control that determines which client's output callbacks receive the output. For possible values, see DEBUG_OUTCTL_XXX. For more information about output, see Input and Output.
Specifies the number of lines of instructions before the instruction at Offset to include in the output. Typically, each instruction is output on a single line. However, some instructions can take up several lines of output; this can cause the number of lines output before the instruction at Offset to be greater than PreviousLines.
Specifies the total number of lines of instructions to include in the output. Typically, each instruction is output on a single line. However, some instructions can take up several lines of output; this can cause the number of lines output to be greater than TotalLines.
Specifies the location in the target's memory of the instructions to disassemble. The disassembly output will start PreviousLines lines before these processor instructions.
Specifies the bit-flags that affect the behavior of this method. The following table lists the bits that can be set.
Bit-Flag Effect when set
DEBUG_DISASM_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS Compute the effective address of each instruction from the current register information and output it.
DEBUG_DISASM_MATCHING_SYMBOLS If the address of an instruction has an exact symbol match, output the symbol.
DEBUG_DISASM_SOURCE_LINE_NUMBER Include the source line number of each instruction in the output.
DEBUG_DISASM_SOURCE_FILE_NAME Include the source file name in the output.

Receives the line number in the output that contains the instruction at Offset. If OffsetLine is NULL, this information is not returned.
Receives the location in the target's memory of the first instruction included in the output. If StartOffset is NULL, this information is not returned.
Receives the locaiton in the target's memory of the instruction that follows the last disassembled instruction.
Receives the locations in the target's memory of the instructions included in the output starting with the instruction at Offset. LineOffsets is an array that contains TotalLines elements.

Offset is the value of first entry in this array unless there was an error disassembling the instructions before this instruction. In this case, the first entry will contain DEBUG_ANY_ID and Offset will be placed in the second entry in the array (index one).

If the output for an instruction spans multiple lines, the element in the array that corresponds to the first line of the instruction will contain the address of the instruction.

If LineOffsets is NULL, this information is not returned.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method can also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

OutputDisassemblyLines is available in all versions of IDebugControl.


The assembly language depends on the effective processor type of the target system. For information about the assembly language, see the processor documentation.

For an overview of using assembly in debugger applications, see Debugging in Assembly Mode. For more information about using assembly with the debugger engine API, see Assembling and Disassembling Instructions.


Headers: Defined in Dbgeng.h. Include Dbgeng.h.

See Also

Disassemble, OutputDisassembly, u (Unassemble)

Build machine: CAPEBUILD