Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetStoredEventInformation method retrieves information about an event of interest available in the current target.

    OUT PULONG  Type,
    OUT PULONG  ProcessId,
    OUT PULONG  ThreadId,
    IN ULONG  ContextSize,
    OUT OPTIONAL PVOID  ExtraInformation,
    IN ULONG  ExtraInformationSize,
    OUT OPTIONAL PULONG  ExtraInformationUsed


Receives the type of the stored event. For a list of possible types, see DEBUG_EVENT_XXX.
Receives the process ID of the process in which the event occurred. If this information is not available, DEBUG_ANY_ID will be returned instead.
Receives the thread ID of the thread in which the last event occurred. If this information is not available, DEBUG_ANY_ID will be returned instead.
Receives the thread context of the stored event. The type of the thread context is the CONTEXT structure for the target's effective processor at the time of the event. The Context buffer must be large enough to hold this structure. If Context is NULL, this information is not returned.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer that Context specifies.
Receives the size in bytes of the context. If ContextUsed is NULL, this information is not returned.
Receives extra information about the event. The contents of this extra information depends on the type of the event. If ExtraInformation is NULL, this information is not returned.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer that ExtraInformation specifies.
Receives the size in bytes of extra information. If ExtraInformationUsed is NULL, this information is not returned.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

GetStoredEventInformation is available in IDebugControl4 and later versions.


Many targets do not have an event of interest.

If the target is a user-mode minidump file, the dump file generator may store an additional event. Typically, this is the event that provoked the generator to save the dump file.

For more information, see the topic Event Information.


Headers: Defined in Dbgeng.h. Include Dbgeng.h. CONTEXT is defined in Ntddk.h.

See Also


Build machine: CAPEBUILD