Debugging Tools for Windows


The StartProcessServer and StartProcessServerWide methods start a process server.

    IN ULONG  Flags,
    IN PCSTR  Options,
    IN PVOID  Reserved

    IN ULONG  Flags,
    IN PCWSTR  Options,
    IN PVOID  Reserved

#ifdef UNICODE
#define StartProcessServerT StartProcessServerWide
#define StartProcessServerT StartProcessServer


Specifies the class of the targets that will be available through the process server. This must be set to DEBUG_CLASS_USER_WINDOWS.
Specifies the connections options for this process server. These are the same options given to the -t option of the DbgSrv command line. For details on the syntax of this string, see Activating a Process Server.
Set to NULL.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

StartProcessServer is available in all versions of IDebugClient. StartProcessServerWide is available in IDebugClient5 and later versions.


The process server that is started will be accessible by remote clients through the transport specified in the Options parameter.

To stop the process server from the smart client, use the EndProcessServer method. To shut down the process server from the computer that it is running on, use Task Manager to end the process. If the instance of the debugger engine that used StartProcessServer is still running, it can use Execute to issue the debugger command .endsrv 0, which will end the process server (this is an exception to the usual behavior of .endsrv, which generally does not affect process servers).

For more information about process servers and remote debugging, see Process Servers, Kernel Connection Servers, and Smart Clients.


Headers: Defined in dbgeng.h. Include dbgeng.h.

See Also

WaitForProcessServerEnd, ConnectProcessServer, EndProcessServer, DisconnectProcessServer

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