Debugging Tools for Windows


The GetEventCallbacks and GetEventCallbacksWide methods return the event callbacks object registered with this client.

    OUT IDebugEventCallbacks * *  Callbacks

    OUT IDebugEventCallbacksWide * *  Callbacks

#ifdef UNICODE
#define GetEventCallbacksT GetEventCallbacksWide
#define IDebugEventCallbacksT IDebugEventCallbacksWide
#define GetEventCallbacksT GetEventCallbacks
#define IDebugEventCallbacksT IDebugEventCallbacks


Receives an interface pointer to the event callbacks object registered with this client.

Return Value

The method was successful.

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Interface Version

GetEventCallbacks is available in all versions of IDebugClient. GetEventCallbacksWide is available in IDebugClient5 and later versions.


Each client can have at most one IDebugEventCallbacks or IDebugEventCallbacksWide object registered with it for receiving events.

If no event callbacks object is registered with the client, the value of Callbacks will be set to NULL.

The IDebugEventCallbacks interface extends the COM interface IUnknown. Before returning the IDebugEventCallbacks object specified by Callbacks, the engine calls its IUnknown::AddRef method. When this object is no longer needed, its IUnknown::Release method should be called.

For more information about callbacks, see Callbacks.


Headers: Defined in dbgeng.h. Include dbgeng.h.

See Also

IDebugEventCallbacks, SetEventCallbacks

Build machine: CAPEBUILD