Debugging Tools for Windows


The OnSessionActive method is called by the engine to inform the EngExtCpp extension library when the debugging session becomes active.

virtual void
    IN ULONG64  Argument


Set to zero. (Reserved for future use).

Return Value



The session might not be accessible.

If this method is defined in the extension library class EXT_CLASS, it can be used to allow the extension library to cache information about the session without the need to register event callbacks.

This method is called at the beginning of a session and, if a session has already started, after the extension library is initialized.

If a target is suspended, OnSessionAccessible is called instead.


Headers: Defined in Engextcpp.hpp. Include Engextcpp.hpp.

See Also

EXT_CLASS, Initialize, OnSessionAccessible, OnSessionInactive

Build machine: CAPEBUILD