Debugging Tools for Windows


The HasCharArg method indicates whether a specified single-character named argument is present in the command line used to invoke the current extension command.

    IN CHAR  Name


Specifies the name of the argument.

Return Value

HasCharArg returns true if the argument is present; false if it is not present.


This method will work for all types of named arguments. In particular, it can be used to detect the presence of a named argument of Boolean type.

This is a convenience method and is restricted to arguments whose name is a single character. For arguments whose names are longer than a single character, use HasArg.

For an overview of argument parsing in the EngExtCpp extensions framework, see Parsing Extension Arguments.

This method should only be called during the execution of an extension command provided by this class.


Headers: Defined in Engextcpp.hpp. Include Engextcpp.hpp.

See Also


Build machine: CAPEBUILD