Debugging Tools for Windows


The RemoveFlags method removes flags from a breakpoint.

    IN ULONG  Flags


Flags to remove from the breakpoint. Flags is a bit field. Tthe new value of the flags in the engine is the old value and not the value of Flags. For more information about the flag bit field and an explanation of each flag, see Controlling Breakpoint Flags and Parameters. You cannot modify the DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DEFERRED flag in the engine. This bit in Flags must always be zero.

Return Value

RemoveFlags might return one of the following values:

The method was successful.

This method might also return error values. For more information about possible return values, see Return Values.


For more information about breakpoint properties, see Controlling Breakpoint Flags and Parameters.


Versions: Available in all versions of IDebugBreakpoint.

Headers: Defined in Dbgeng.h. Include Dbgeng.h.

Build machine: CAPEBUILD