Debugging Tools for Windows

Process Ends Unexpectedly

If a process randomly fails (that is, crashes) or shuts down unexpectedly, you can run ADPlus in crash mode to obtain a memory dump of the process that is failing before the problem occurs.

For example, use one of the following commands.

The following command runs ADPlus in crash mode and causes it to attach the CDB debugger to Inetinfo.exe and all Mtx.exe or Dllhost.exe processes that are running on the computer. ADPlus then waits for any first-chance and second-chance exceptions. By default, because the -o option is omitted, ADPlus put all files in a subfolder below the installation folder.

ADPlus -crash -iis

The following command runs ADPlus in crash mode and causes it to attach the CDB debugger to Inetinfo.exe and all Mtx.exe or Dllhost.exe processes that are running on the computer. The -quiet option suppresses all message boxes and logs all output to the event log. Because the -notify option is used, the debuggers notify all users who are logged on to the computer named RemoteComputer whenever a failure is detected or when the process that is being monitored shuts down. Because the -o option is used, all output is put in the C:\Temp folder. If the folder does not exist, it is created.

ADPlus -quiet -crash -iis -notify RemoteComputer -o c:\temp

The following command is the same as the previous one except that it logs all output to a server. A new subfolder is created under \\server\share. The subfolder's name is based on the name of the local computer. Therefore, if you are running ADPlus on a cluster of servers, each server on which ADPlus is running logs its own unique folder under \\server\share. You do not have to create unique folders for each server because they are created automatically.

Running from a Local Console

If you are running ADPlus in crash mode from the local console instead of remotely, you must remain logged on to the console for the duration of the debug session.

For example, when you start ADPlus by using the -iis option to monitor IIS, when the starting user logs out of the console, the copies of CDB that are running on the console are closed (along with all other running applications). Therefore, debugging stops, and the process that is being monitored is ended.

To avoid this issue, you can lock the console session (press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then click Lock Computer), or run ADPlus inside a remote command shell that has been configured not to require an interactive logon.

For more information about how to schedule a remote command shell to run noninteractively, see Running in Crash Mode Remotely.

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