Debugging Tools for Windows


The Breakpoints section enables you to define the breakpoints that you want to monitor and to configure the actions that you want the debugger to take when these breakpoints are hit.

          <Address> Address </Address>
          <Type> BP | BU | BM } </Type>
          <Passes> Passes  </Passes> 
          <Actions> Actions  </Actions> 
          <CustomActions> CustomActions  </CustomActions> 
          <ReturnAction> G | Q | QD } </ReturnAction> 
          <Address> { Address | AllBreakpoints } </Address>
          <Actions> Actions  </Actions> 
          <CustomActions> CustomActions  </CustomActions> 
          <ReturnAction> G | Q | QD } </ReturnAction> 

The <NewBP> tag enables you to define new breakpoints. The <Config> tag enables you to define the behavior for breakpoints that are already defined.

All of the subtags of <NewBP> and <Config> are optional, except for <Address>.

You can use the following parameters:

Uses the debugger syntax (MyModule!MyClass::MyMethod). You can separate multiple addresses by semicolons.
{ BP | BU | BM }
Defines which debugger command should be used to create the breakpoint. The default value is BP.

If you use BM, you can define multiple breakpoints at the same time by using wildcard characters in the address. For example, you could define the address as Advapi32!Crypt*. This syntax creates a breakpoint in all functions in Advapi32.dll that begin with Crypt.

Specifies the number of hits to ignore before breaking into the debugger.
Specifies the actions that you want to include. Separate multiple actions with semicolons, as follows.

<Actions> MiniDump;Stack</Actions>

You can use the following case-sensitive actions:

Adds a log entry that is related to the exception.
Adds an event log that is related to the exception.
Creates a minidump.
Creates a full dump.
Creates a minidump and overwrites multiple instances for the same exception.
Creates a full dump and overwrites multiple instances for the same exception.
Lists the faulting call stack into the log.
Lists all thread call stacks into the log.
Lists all loaded modules.
Lists all modules with matching symbols.
Does nothing.
Specifies any debugger commands. Separate multiple actions with semicolons. You can include any debugger commands that are available in CDB.


{ G | Q | QD }
Specifies how to return from the debugger after the breakpoint is done. These parameters work like the g, q, and qd debugger commands. QD is supported only in Microsoft Windows XP and later versions of Windows.
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